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Movie Screening - "Vita and Virginia" by Chanya Button

 Hello Learners,

Here is a blog based on Virginia Woolf’s life, an incident that turns out to be a novel of hers “Orlando: A Biography”, an understanding of Sex/Gender/Orientation, and a movie based on Virginia Woolf and a female lover.

“Vita & Virginia”

Starring Elizabeth Debicki as Woolf and Gemma Arterton as Sackville-West, the film from director Chanya Button is set against the backdrop of bohemian high society in 1920s London with a host of characters based on real-life people. It includes lines lifted straight from the literary duo’s love letters.

Although both were married to men, the two women penned hundreds of poetic letters to each other, and their relationship would inspire one of Woolf’s most celebrated works, the 1928 novel Orlando.

Here’s the true story behind Vita & Virginia, Woolf, and Sackville-West’s passionate relationship, and the great literary work it inspired.

The movie is available on Amazon Prime.

Here is a summary of the novel “Orlando: A Biography”

Why should we read Virginia Woolf?

What is Sex, Gender, and Orientation?

Post-Viewing Task

·       Who do you think is initiating the relationship, Vita or Virginia? Who do you think is taking advantage of this relationship? 

·       Who do you think is confused about their identity Vita or Virginia? Explain with illustrations

·       What is society’s thought about women and identity? Do you agree with them? If Yes then why? If no then why?

·       Write a note on your observations of the society during that era.

·       Write a note on the direction of the movie. Which symbols and space caught your attention while watching the movie?

I "Vita and Virginia" had to be made into a Bollywood Adaptation, who do you think would be fit for the role of Vita and Virginia?

Go through the videos and answer all the questions in the form of a blog and share in the Google Classroom. Everyone shall share their blog link with any one of your favorite quotes by Virginia Woolf on Social Media with the hashtag #virginiaandme.

Happy Learning!!!


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